Náttúrustofa Vestfjarða Annual Report 2022
The 2022 annual report for Náttúrustofa Vestfjarða is now published. In the report you can see descriptions of the projects that were carried out at NAVE last year and you can read it at: https://en.nave.is/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Arsskyrsla-2022_minnkud.pdf
The working year of 2022 was diverse, and various projects were carried out both as a part of research grants and as commissioned work. A large grant was received for a project monitoring sea louse on wild salmonids, and another grant for a comparative study on benthic fauna 10 years after the commencement of aquaculture. Several projects were carried out in the field of ornithological research in the Westfjords; work began on the monitoring of two Arctic tern colonies, black guillemots were counted in Vigur Island, and 10 wading bird surveys were completed. Vegetation monitoring began and fossils were recorded in connection to the Monitoring Key Elements in Icelandic Nature program. Investigations in relation to the road construction from Bjarkalundur to Skálanes in Reykhólahreppur remained a large focus in 2022, and several reports were published in connection with the project, both on research into the biosphere and archaeological remains. Additionally, a report was published on research related to plans for a power plant at the bottom of Dýrafjörður and as well as on planned projects for flood protection at Bíldudal. Further, research was carried out in relation to fish farming, and various studies were carried out on archaeological remains in relation to road construction, planning and forestry.